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How an informant and a messaging app led to huge global crime sting
Global sting: FBI-run messaging app tricks organized crime
FBI run messaging app tricks organized crime
'ANOM' EXPLAINED | The incredible inside story of the sting by the FBI and AFP | Sunrise
800 arrested after FBI-run messaging app tricks organized crime in global sting
FBI uses messaging app to arrest hundreds in organized crime sting | WNT
International crime sting captures hundreds thanks to 'fake' phone app
OPERATION TROJAN SHIELD 800+ criminal suspects arrested worldwide thanks to police-run messaging app
800 arrested, $48m seized worldwide after criminals use FBI Trojan Horse messaging app | 5 News
"Heavy blow against organized crime": FBI newser on global sting operation Trojan Shield
FBI creates messaging app to trick gangs and drug traffickers
An0m: FBI-designed app busts global network of organised crime and thwarts murder plots